Get to Know…Kristine


We have a new employee here at the Vixen Vapors Distribution Center, Kristine! During her training we sat down to get to know her a little better. We think she’s awesome, don’t you?

Diana: So, what are some of your favorite activities?

Kristine: I really like to give people weird names and make up funny stories about them.

Diana: What’s the last thing that you wasted money on?

Kristine: Gas, but before that a pair of sunglasses.

Diana: Who is someone you go to for advice?

Kristine: Uhhh…Lolo? (haha)

Diana: What part of your daily routine can you not function without?

Kristine: Comfortable clothes for sure. If my clothes aren’t comfy, well, I’m just not going to be happy. Not sure why, just won’t happen. (hahaha)

Diana: What’s a small luxury that you treat yourself to?

Kristine: Food, consistently, like all the time.

Diana: What really creeps you out?

Kristine: Gory movies. That will always be my weak point, like, if it’s got music I guess that makes it better, but if it’s just the gore sounds…hard pass.

Diana: If you had to apply a label to yourself what would it be?

Kristine: Frequent mood swings.

Diana: If your life had a sound track, what would be on it?

Kristine: A-ha – Take Me On, that’s my theme song!

Diana: What is your dream job?

Kristine: To be at home and test food all day…and never get fat.

Diana: What music do you hate?

Kristine: The majority of the “Top 100” on main stream radio. Like, why are you dancing?!?! Just stoooop!

Diana: What piece of technology do you not own, but you would like to?

Kristine: A laptop

Diana: Who introduced you to raving?

Kristine: Hmmm…my ex and I breaking up, lol.

Diana: Favorite Disney movie?

Kristine: Fox and Hound

Diana: What artist or festival would you camp out to get tickets to?

Kristine: Electric Forest or TomorrowLand, for sure.

Diana: Mayo or mustard?

Kristine: Mustard! Who puts mayo on a burger?!

Diana: What’s a cause you support?

Kristine: Letting people over without a visa, as long as they’re making a valid contribution.

Diana: What’s your favorite alcohol?

Kristine: Whiskey!

Diana: What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

Kristine: Travel, definitely.

Diana: What do you think your life will look like in 20 years?

Kristine: Wow that’s so long from now. Well, married to Lolo, living in another state, maybe have kids. Hopefully I’ll have a roomy, nice house with lots of animals. Well, by “lots” I really mean like…3. So not really lots, but you get the idea.